Spaghettoni Pasta

Shape – a long thick paste, with a cross-section of 2.4 – 2.6 mm in diameter.

Cooking time – 10-12 minutes (until ready).

Combines with dishes that have a strong, pronounced taste – meat, fish, seafood.

What does spaghettoni look like πŸ“ Pasta shape

Long and thick pasta with a round section of 2.4 – 2.6 mm in diameter.

What is Spaghettoni | Description of the type of pasta

Spaghettoni is a long, dry pasta similar to classic spaghetti, but has a larger diameter. There are also varieties of this pasta that are twice the length of spaghetti. This enlarged kind looks more spectacular when serving the dish and is also more hearty.

Spaghettoni, a more significant variation of the classic spaghetti, is especially good with dishes with a strong, pronounced flavor or for recipes that need to be cooked with pasta in a pan.

Features of the species

Despite its great thickness, this type of pasta has retained the length and flexibility of classic spaghetti.

What to combine spaghettoni with

They’re excellent with vibrant sauces, such as fish and spicy sauces that contain a strong aroma of garlic and red pepper. This pasta goes well with zucchini, lamb sauce, chicken liver, or shellfish.

This type of pasta is also good with pumpkin flowers, lamb or beef sauce, chicken liver or giblets, or clams.

πŸ—’οΈ Calories and Nutritional Value

  • Energy value 1494 kJ / 352 kcal
  • 1.5 g fats
  • Carbohydrates 70 g
  • Proteins 14 g

Nutritional Factors (average per 100g) β€” Vermicelli nΒ°170 De Cecco

⏲️ Cooking time spaghettoni

Until ready β€” 11-13 minutes

Al dente β€” 9-10 minutes

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